FILE MENU NEW Creates a new Untitled document. If any changes have been made to the current document, a dialog box will be displayed asking you if you wish to save the changes before creating the new document. OPEN Opens a previously saved GameMaker document. If any changes have been made to the current document, a dialog box will be displayed asking you if you wish to save the changes before opening another document. Documents created with some older versions of GameMaker may need to be converted to the current format by using the Game Converter application. SAVE/SAVE AS Saves the current document. If "Save as..." was selected or if the document was not previously saved, a dialog box will be displayed allowing you to choose a new name and folder location for the document. REVERT TO SAVED Reverts to the previously saved version of the current document. GET PICTURE Lets you select a MacPaint, PICT, EPS, or StartupScreen document and places the picture in the Graphics area of the current card. The top left portion of the graphics file will be used. You can use the templates in the Graphics Templates folder to create graphics in other Paint programs. QUIT Quits GameMaker. If any changes have been made to your document, a dialog box will be displayed asking you if you wish to save the changes.